LAS VEGAS — Leadership expert Dave Anderson has agreed to deliver a motivational keynote address at Agent Summit, courtesy of EasyCare, organizers said Tuesday. The event will be held May 9–11, 2016, at the Venetian Palazzo Las Vegas.

“We are excited to share Dave Anderson with all of the participants at Agent Summit,” said Larry Dorfman, CEO of Automobile Protection Corp. (APCO), home of the EasyCare brand. “His leadership and accountability teachings have been instrumental in the record growth of EasyCare over the past few years, and we know that everyone he touches with his powerful message will have a chance to be more successful if they apply it to their businesses and their lives.”

Anderson is the founder and president of LearnToLead, an Agoura Hills, Calif.-based sales and leadership development provider, and an automotive retail veteran. He is the author of 13 books and has contributed publications within and outside the auto industry, including The Wall Street Journal and US News & World Report, and has delivered more than 1,000 workshops and speeches in 16 countries over the past decade.

“Vision without strategy is hallucination, and strategy without execution brings exasperation,” Anderson said. “Thus, I’m excited to share an incredible five-step process for exponentially increasing your business results with my ‘How to Master the Art of Execution’ presentation at Agent Summit in Las Vegas!”

Registration is open at the event’s website as well as by phone, fax and email. Attendees who register by April 4 will enjoy a $100 discount.

To inquire about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at Agent Summit 2016, contact Eric Gesualdo via email or call 727-612-8826.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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