LAS VEGAS — Organizers of the upcoming Industry Summit have announced that registered attendees, exhibitors and sponsors are invited to the Certified Automotive Compliance Specialist review session and exam that concludes the co-located Compliance Summit on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Everyone can attend the certification sessions for no additional charge, courtesy of Automotive Compliance Education (ACE).

“Whether you are a dealer, an agent or an executive, the benefits of compliance training are inestimable,” said David Gesualdo, show chair and publisher of Auto Dealer Today and F&I and Showroom. “We are pleased to offer certification to every attendee, exhibitor and sponsor, and we sincerely hope you take advantage.”

Gil Van Over III, executive director of ACE, added, “It’s not enough in today’s market to think you know the basics of compliance — you need to prove you’re trained and have that expertise certified. That’s what ACE is all about.”

The exam will be based on a comprehensive review that completes the Compliance Summit agenda on Tuesday morning; the 90-minute exam will begin at 12:30 p.m. Attendees will earn a personalized Certified Automotive Compliance Specialist diploma by attending the review and achieving a satisfactory score on the exam.

Space is limited, so RSVP by clicking here to reserve your seat today. For more information, contact David Gesualdo via email or at 727-947-4027.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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