LAS VEGAS — Organizers of the upcoming Compliance Summit have announced that Automotive Compliance Education (ACE) will be offering free headshot photography to every attendee. The event will be held Aug. 29–30, 2016, at Paris Las Vegas, co-located with the annual Industry Summit.
“Given the number of selfies and out-of-date photos I see on LinkedIn and business websites, it was obvious that offering high-quality, professional headshots was a great idea,” said Gil Van Over, president of gvo3 & Associates and executive director of ACE. “But it also fits with the overall compliance mission of ACE: So much of what we train on has to do with data security and identity theft, and what is more central to your identity than your image?”
Van Over will serve as a featured speaker on Monday, Aug. 29, and ACE is also offering the Certified Automotive Compliance Specialist review and exam on Tuesday. The certification process is included at no additional charge, but registered attendees must RSVP to secure their space. The lounge, which will be open Monday through Wednesday, will be manned by a professional photographer as well as hair and makeup stylists. Attendees who participate will be given a high-resolution digital file of their photos.
“If there’s a message in this sponsorship, it is this: you can enhance your image; our certification will protect it!” Van Over said.
To register for Compliance Summit, click here.
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