LAS VEGAS — The first Compliance Summit in the Western states was a runaway success, organizers reported Wednesday. The event, which was held Aug. 29–30, 2016, at Paris Las Vegas, set new marks for attendance and featured a well-received certification component sponsored by Automotive Compliance Education (ACE).

“The speakers were on point, the room was full, and the ACE certification went off without a hitch,” said David Gesualdo, show chair and publisher of Auto Dealer Today and F&I and Showroom. “Our fifth Compliance Summit was quite possibly our best yet.”

Total attendance at the two-day event was 165. The diverse group included dealers, agents and executives from around the country.

Monday’s agenda was divided into three subject headings — Rules and Regulations, Your Responsibilities and Easy-to-Implement Processes and Controls — each of which included a featured presentation and panel discussion staffed by attorneys, trainers and dealership personnel.

The welcome address was delivered by Andy MacKay, executive director of the Nevada Franchised Auto Dealers Association (NFADA), and the day ended with “Is It Compliant?,” an interactive, open forum among Compliance Summit speakers and attendees.

Tuesday morning began with a four-hour review hosted by ACE’s executive director, Gil Van Over III, assisted by Mosaic Compliance Service’s Jim Ganther and ARMD Resource Group’s Michael Tuno. The trio led 101 attendees through a litany of federal rules, guidelines, case studies and scenarios; 83 remained for the two-hour, 200-question exam. All 83 scored 80% or higher, earning Certified Automotive Compliance Specialist status along with a framed diploma.

“We were amazed at the energy and enthusiasm of the inaugural certification class, as well as its size,” Van Over said. “And we were delighted that everyone who sat for the exam passed. My hat is off to them all, and to Jim and Michael for assisting with the review. They certainly kept it interesting!”

Compliance Summit is a series of regional events dedicated to advanced education and certification for dealership and industry professionals. For information about the next event, including sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, contact David Gesualdo via email or at 727-947-4027.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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