Thousands of dealership employees and their families have suffered devastating losses from the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
As was the case during the severe Louisiana flooding in August 2016, the need for financial assistance is great and will last for many weeks. The NADA Foundation's Emergency Relief Fund provides assistance to dealership employees after natural disasters, but they need your help, too.
Please help these dealership employees by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Emergency Relief Fund today.Donate online using the button above or send a check, made payable to "NADA Foundation Emergency Relief Fund," to:
NADA Foundation
8400 Westpark Drive, MS 7
Tysons, VA 22102.For more information, call 703.821.7233.
If your employees were impacted by the flooding, please encourage them to apply for assistance by clicking the button above. (Lost wages and commissions are not eligible for reimbursement from the fund.)
About the Fund
Established in 1992, almost $5 million has been distributed to more than 8,700 dealership employees in need.
When disaster strikes, the Foundation:
- Immediately informs the state dealer association that the Foundation is prepared to help;
- The state association gets the message to its dealers;
- Dealers can apply for aid on behalf of their employees;
- NADA picks up all administrative costs for this fund; and
- All money donated to the Emergency Relief Fund goes directly to the dealership employees.
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