ORANGE COUNTY – After its initial printing in February 2011, Joe Verde's newest sales book "Earn Over $100,000 Selling Cars – Every Year" is now on its second printing as salespeople in the automotive industry continue to rely on the book to improve their sales skills.

Since its publication, Verde has made the book available free of charge on his Website as a PDF download. It can also be ordered as a paperback at no charge, other than shipping.

"Salespeople want to know how they can develop those selling and success skills so they can make more money," said Verde, president, Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc. "Our goal is to make the book as widely available as possible, so that when they step onto the lot they have the skills they need to work effectively with today's more sophisticated buyer."

In addition to the tens of thousands of printed copies of 'Earn Over 100K' Verde has already distributed, visitors to have also downloaded thousands of the PDF version of the 169-page book.

"There are really no more excuses for salespeople," said Verde. "If they want sell more units and make more money, this is a book that tells them how. Just go to my Website and download a copy of the book. It's free and only takes a minute to download – nothing could be easier."

In his foreword to the 'Earn Over 100K' book, Verde laid out exactly why he is qualified to help salespeople: "Because 'I've been there – done that' on everything you'll face in this business. I've been the average salesperson who struggled and the superstar who had fun. I know exactly what you have to do to become a professional in sales, and earn a $100,000+ paycheck every year."

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