JACKSONVILLE - In response to the demands of consumers and automobile dealers to protect future Trade-In Values, FFDS & TCM announce the Trade-in Protection Program. TIP was designed to minimize or eliminate future negative equity of vehicles (upside-down customers) and create all new levels of customer loyalty.

TIP combines the retention benefit of a lease - applied towards a finance contract - as the benefit is redeemable only at the original selling dealership during the trade-in process. The program is offered on new and used vehicles as blanket, optional, and combination with benefit levels from $1,000 - $5,000.

"TIP is just the beginning of new, innovative offerings FFDS will be launching over the next 18 months," said Tony Wanderon, CEO, Family First Dealer Services. "TIP brings value to consumers, dealers and lenders, by eliminating uncertainty with trade-ins, unlike GAP that provides coverage in the event of a total loss. It sets clear expectations up front with the customer allowing them to have an overall better experience during the ownership period."

"It's exciting to join forces with FFDS," said Brian Olson, VP Sales / Marketing for TradeCycle Management. "The leadership and staff at FFDS are the best in the business and understand how to launch a new program. Even more, they understand the value of managing the tradecycle and what that brings to the customer, dealer and lender."

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