HOUSTON – The National Alliance of Buy Here, Pay Here Dealers (NABD) released the details of its upcoming Buy Here Pay Here (“BHPH”) Conference in Orlando, Florida at the Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive on November 3-5, 2015. The Conference theme is “More Success, Less Risk”, and the Conference is designed for both new and experienced operators.

This will be the 12th Annual East Coast Conference by NABD, which is the largest used car special interest group for BHPH operators in the U.S. with over 12,000 members. The conference features dual-track workshop sessions starting at 3:00 PM on Nov. 3, covering BHPH best operating practices, and compliance. The program features many of the nation’s leading attorneys, experts, and successful operators who will share their latest tips and insights that bring success in the highly competitive subprime auto finance market of today. The Conference will open with a first-time attendee reception at 2:00 PM on Nov. 3.

The compliance track entitled “Compliance University” is the only compliance training designed specifically for BHPH operators! Attorney speakers include Tom Hudson, Gerald Sachs, Terry O’Loughlin, Dave Bafumo, Mark Edelman, Allen Denson, Trisha Cacciola and others. “This is the greatest assembly of legal talent at one NABD event that we have ever assembled,” said Ken Shilson, president and founder.

“The compliance workshops will also include affordable compliance solutions which will help operators avoid legal and regulatory mistakes that can cost millions of dollars,” explained Shilson. Upon completion, all attendees will receive a compliance certificate that evidences their participation.

The “Best Operating Track” includes sessions on website design and content, technology solutions, payment devices, marketing strategies to gain market share, inventory sourcing and reconditioning, and capital. These sessions feature leading experts and operators who will share ideas that succeed in the current environment. “The workshops will not be infomercials, and will benefit both owners and all key employees,” Shilson asserted.

On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning the dual tracks will combine into the general sessions covering lease here, pay here; using new technology to finance and source inventory; collections; repossessions; and payment device best practices; new benchmarks and trends update; accounting /tax tips and update; a regulatory developments forecast; underwriting tips; and a “take-aways” session. Both the workshops and the general sessions feature new content never presented before, and important information that will help attendees succeed. The Conference ends at 1:00 PM on Nov. 5 to facilitate travel.

The Exhibit Hall will include all the latest products and services that increase BHPH profits and cash flow. Two receptions, a breakfast and a luncheon are included that are designed to allow attendees to network with other operators, experts and exhibitors.

The Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive is newly renovated, and located next to the hottest new attraction, “Orlando Eye”. Shuttle service is available to Disney properties and Universal Studios. NABD has arranged discounted room rates of only $149 per night with no resort fees. Attendees are encouraged to bring their families to enjoy the nation’s most popular family destination - Orlando.

The complete agenda and speaker information is posted and will be continually updated on the NABD website: www.bhphinfo.com. Registrations can be made at the website or by calling (832) 767-4759. Space and room availability is limited and early registration discounts are expiring soon. Space and room availability is limited and early registration discounts are expiring soon. Exhibitors should call Keith at (832) 767-4759 while space is available.

“Successful BHPH operators today must understand and adapt to the changing market environment. The old ways aren’t working anymore,” said Shilson. “This conference will definitely help attendees compete more successfully while avoiding the new regulatory pitfalls. The Orlando destination is an attractive and affordable venue,” Shilson mentioned.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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