WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on a bill that would rescind the Consumers Financial Protection Bureau’s guidance on dealer participation and add a few more steps in to its guidance-writing activities.
The House is expected to vote on H.R. 1737, which the House Financial Services Committee passed this past July by a 47-10 vote, either on Wednesday or Thursday. It was introduced this past April by Rep. Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) and Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.).
Aside from repealing the bureau’s March 2013 guidance on dealer participation, the legislation would require that the bureau provide a public comment period, consult with other agencies that share jurisdiction over the indirect auto finance market and disclose its testing methodologies before issuing any further guidance. The bill has received strong support from the National Automobile Dealers Association, which called on members this week to contact their local Congressperson to urge them to vote “Yes” on the bill.
“H.R. 1737 is a good-government bill that says to the CFPB, stay in your lane, make sure you understand the market, listen to the public, listen to the stakeholders — all of them — understand the implications of what you’re doing, understand what your actions do to consumers, and understand what they do to minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and, in fact, all small business,” Andrew Koblenz, the NADA’s executive vice president of legal and regulatory affairs and general counsel, told F&I and Showroom this past September.
“And be transparent,” added Koblenz, who served as a keynote speaker at the magazine’s annual conference in September. “Tell us what you’re basing your analysis on, your conclusions on, and, to the extent you can, what your data shows. And coordinate with other agencies that have share responsibilities in this marketplace …”
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