Quantech Software Inc's has dropped the word "Online" from its flagship products Q-F&I (Online) and Q-Menus (Online), and announced a new version of its software called Q-DMS. "For a few years there was a certain cache around being able to say your software was web-based so when we migrated our  Windows based menu and F&I products to the Web we added the word Online to them", according to Mike Martin, Quantech General Manager. "Now that most everything is web based, we have dropped the word "Online", Martin.  The entire Quantech software suite of products, Q-F&I, Q-Menus, and Q-GPS are now web-based. Quantech offers continued support for its Windows versions.

In addition to dropping the word Online, Quantech has added a new brand, "Q-DMS" to its line-up. "We are seeing more and more customers using our software to manage their dealership; "Q" is their DMS", explains Martin. Q-DMS includes all of our integrations, inventory mgmt, deal mgmt, forms printing, as well as deal exports for accounting purposes. A fully integrated DMS solution with accounting, parts & service, purchasing, payroll, and ILM/CRM Lead management is handled thru its integration partnerships with Blue Skies Business Solutions (Peartree)DealerSocket, and others.

Dealerships using F&I tools only will continue using the Q-F&I branded product. "A significant number of our customers have elected to use our F&I tools over the ones in their DMS systems", according to Martin, "they like how easy Q-F&I is to use, our support, and our many integrations".

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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