SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — Alpha Warranty Services Inc. announced the release of its DriveEasy Limited Lifetime Powertrain Warranty and DriveEasy Wrap Protection.

The DriveEasy Limited Lifetime Powertrain Warranty provides powertrain coverage to customers on more than 50 components for the life of the vehicle at no additional cost to the customer, according to the company. The warranty will also allow customers to receive service email reminders and provide an account page on the DriveEasy website that allows them to view additional maintenance needs, vehicle specific recall information, and exclusive coupons from their dealership.

“The DriveEasy Program is the industry’s first lifetime program that is built in a way to ensure the customer has a great experience from the dealership while at the same time driving retention and profitability for the dealership,” said Jeremy Lindsey, Alpha Warranty’s COO. “This program allows our dealerships to stand out from the crowd, increase vehicle sales, increase service drive revenue, improve CSI, and improve customer retention.”

The company’s vehicle service contract, DriveEasy Wrap Protection, is meant to complement the limited lifetime powertrain warranty by providing protection to the components not covered by the limited warranty.The DriveEasy Wrap Protection provides up to five years and 100,000 miles of additional coverage. It also includes roadside assistance, rental coverage, and day one coverage.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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